Voice Recognition

Nazareth Academy

Grade School


School Uniform

Click for Ordering Info:   Flynn and O'Hara Uniforms
Our school code is PA 920
September 8 - October  22      Spring/Summer Uniform
October  25 - April 22               Fall/Winter Uniform
April 25 - June 10                     Spring/Summer Uniform 
Student Uniform
Reflecting present day societal influences, concerns about student attire have continued to emerge in the realm of education. By giving dress guidelines, the primary function of the school is realized - education of the whole child. To help fulfill the mission of instilling Christian values, emphasis is placed on pride in personal grooming, hygiene, and appearance. Students wear summer and winter uniforms for classroom instruction and physical education. These uniforms allow the children comfort, freedom, and flexibility to participate fully in the daily activities presented to them.

Spring/Summer Uniform
Note: The summer uniform is worn from the first day of school in September to mid-October. 
Boys: a white banlon shirt with the Nazareth Academy logo, khaki camp shorts.
Girls: a maroon banlon shirt with the Nazareth Academy logo. khaki skort.
Shoes: Students are asked to wear white sneaks/white ankle socks.
Fall/Winter Uniform
Boys: Boys in grades 1 through 8 wear gray pants, a plain white oxford shirt, a school tie, gray socks, and black dress tie shoes (NO velcro) with non-marking soles. (Please avoid the purchase of other styles for the boys!) A regulation pullover burgundy sweater vest or cardigan is required. Hair is to be well groomed at all times and it may not extend over the eyes, ears, or the collar. Haircuts may not reflect the extreme or current fad: i.e., either too long or excessively short, spiked or streaked hair. Earrings may not be worn.

Girls: Girls in grades 1 - 4 wear a gray and burgundy plaid jumper with a white round collared blouse, either long-sleeved or short-sleeved. Girls in grades 5 - 8 wear a plaid skirt with a white long-sleeved or short-sleeved blouse with a buttoned down collar. Jumpers/skirts should reach the knee. Gray knee socks and black and white saddle shoes are worn by all girls. Stockings may be worn by girls in grades 5 - 8. A regulation pullover burgundy sweater vest or cardigan is required. Girls` hair styles should be appropriately simple, as well as any hair accessories, which should be grey and/or maroon. No colored hair tints are permitted. One small earring may be worn in each ear; large dangling earrings, make-up, and colored nail polish may not be worn to school. A necklace with a small cross may be worn.  Artificial and acrylic nails are not permitted.

Boys' shirts and girls' blouses are to be tucked in pants/skirts at all times!

Gym Uniform
The summer gym uniform consists of maroon shorts and gray tee shirts with the Nazareth Academy logo, and white socks. (Hooded sweatshirts are not permitted).

The winter gym uniform consists of maroon sweatshirts and maroon sweatpants with the Nazareth Academy logo, and white socks.

White, supported, athletic sneakers such as cross trainer or aerobic type shoes are to be worn with both the summer and winter uniform. Sneakers such as skateboarding or canvas sneakers do not give sufficient support and are not permitted in school.

This uniform is worn ONLY on the day your child has gym class. If your child does not come to school dressed in the gym uniform, he/she will not be permitted to participate in gym class.

Parental support regarding our dress code
is essential and is gratefully appreciated! 
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