Students in grades 1 - 8 are invited to participate in an annual Theater Presentation. The production, which typically runs for five shows during the month of March, is eagerly anticipated by our students and parents. The presentation is directed by Mrs. Natalie Graveley, Music Director is Ms. Suzanne Trotter and the Dance Ensemble is choreographed by Mrs. Linda Monari.
We are pleased to strongly promote the Arts throughout our curriculum. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) states: "After an extensive review, results show conclusively that music education equips students with the foundational abilities to learn, to achieve in other core academic subjects, and to develop the capacities, skills and knowledge essential for lifelong success."
Benefits of Music Education from AEP 1. Music education prepares students to learn
2. Enhances fine motor skills
3. Prepares the brain for achievement
4. Fosters superior working memory
5. Cultivates better thinking skills
Music education facilitates student academic achievement1. Improves recall and retention of verbal information
2. Advances math achievement
3. Boosts reading and English language arts (ELA) skills
4. Improves average SAT scores
Music education develops the creative capacities for lifelong success
1. Sharpens student attentiveness
2. Strengthens perseverance
3. Equips students to be creative
4. Supports better study habits and self-esteem