Voice Recognition

Nazareth Academy

Grade School

Profile of a Graduate

Profile of a Graduate

The Profile of a Graduate is a description of knowledge, skills and personal aptitudes which Nazareth Academy Grade School expects its graduates will develop through their study. Our objective in developing the plan is to ensure our students’ success in their continuing education, life, work and citizenship. 

Through personal reflection and observations by faculty, the Graduate Profile can be embraced and utilized as a lever of transformative change and sense of purpose.

As our students graduate, we celebrate their successes and envision the infinite possibilities they will encounter in their future. 

The Graduate Profile is a collective vision outlining the Nazareth community's aspirations for all students. It encompasses the skills our students need to thrive in the world following their elementary-school graduation.
Nazareth Academy Grade School will strive to motivate and challenge every child every day who is well prepared for the rigors of top area high schools as demonstrated by:
Spiritual Development
Character Development
Leadership Program
Personal Growth and Expression
Spiritual Development
Students understand the faith formation is a lifelong relationship with God through the following practices:
  • Understand and commit to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ;
  • Know, understand and discover God in everyday life events;
  • Understand that every human being is created in the image of God;
  • Show respect for the people with whom they live work, play and live;
  • Demonstrating through personal engagement in service projects, God’s love and care for the poor and others in need;
  • Act with a Christian conscience;
  • Have an appreciation for the natural environment, and practice responsible stewardship of God’s creation
 Students are academically prepared for high school and beyond and are equipped to achieve their highest potential. Students demonstrate:
  • Love of learning;
  • Preparation in all subject areas;
  • Proficiency in written and oral communication and research skills;
  • Ability to work collaboratively as a team;
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking skills

Character Development
 Students understand the importance of positive interactions with others as a foundation for living successful lives by practicing: 
  • Honesty 
  • Integrity 
  • Promise-keeping
  • Loyalty
  • Concern for Others 
  • Law-abidance/Civic duty
  • Respect for Others 
  • Fairness
  • Pursuit of Excellence
  • Accountability
Leadership Programs
Students are active contributors in the community and prepared to participate in our global society. Students demonstrate:
  • Contribution and service to community; 
  • Understanding the benefits of a democratic government, free enterprise and entrepreneurship;
  • Ability to manage time, finances and other resources;
  • Skills needed to question, solve problems and make wise decisions;
  • Understanding the value to engage in appropriate community activities;
  • Respect among people with whom they interact; 
  • Practicing justice, mercy and peacemaking in family and society;
  • Understanding the value of cultural diversity.
Personal Growth and Expression
Students apply their unique talents for personal growth and fulfillment. Students demonstrate:
  • Passion for and ownership of learning;
  • Self-awareness of skills, interests, aptitudes and learning styles;
  • Personal development and expression through artistic, physical and intellectual disciplines;
  • Proactive physical wellness;
  • Understanding of fiscal responsibility;
  • Awareness of opportunities for growth in high school and beyond.


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