Voice Recognition

Nazareth Academy

Grade School

Middle States Accreditation

Middle States Accreditation

Nazareth Academy Grade School has been fully accredited by the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) since 1981. The chief purpose of the accreditation process is to validate educational excellence while recognizing school improvement, thus constantly sustaining a quality education. This is accomplished by periodically conducting a comprehensive self-evaluation of the total school. Through the accreditation process, the school seeks the validation of its self-evaluation by obtaining professional judgment from impartial peers on the effectiveness of the total school operation.

MSA-CESS is a worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement.. For over 125 years, Middle States has been helping school leaders establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement. With more than 2,500 accredited schools and school systems in 34 states and 100 countries, MSA-CESS is proud of its continuing legacy and its ongoing innovations to meet the challenges of improving education in the 21st century.

As with all accredited schools, Nazareth is student-oriented and its philosophy of education is focused on the development of the whole child with an emphasis on academic performance. As a Catholic school, Nazareth centers on genuine Catholicity.  

About Accreditation
"Excellence by Design"  is a self-study and accreditation protocol that uses strategic planning as a vehicle for establishing objectives for growth and improvement in student performance and in the school’s capacity to effect that growth. In addition, the protocol provides for a continuous review of programs and services and of the results of student performance. It also enables diverse constituent groups to participate in charting the future of the institution."  https://www.msa-cess.org
In the accreditation process, the Middle States Association evaluates the whole school, not just test scores. Improving outcomes requires a comprehensive approach. Nazareth offers a superior academic environment for students. Accreditation through MSA-CESS is not only an independent validation of the great work we do, it is also a process that informs strategic planning, curriculum design and collaboration. 
The 12 key areas that make up the Standards for Accreditation are: Mission, Governance and Leadership, School Improvement Planning, Finances, Facilities, School Organization and Staff, Health and Safety, Educational Program, Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning, Student Services, Student Life and Activities and Information Resources.

The current Middle States Accreditation seven-year term is May 1, 2020 - May 31, 226.
Through the support of the Middle States Association, we are proud of our efforts to establish and reach goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement at Nazareth Academy Grade School. 

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