Voice Recognition

Nazareth Academy

Grade School

Message From the Principal


June 2024

Dear Nazareth Academy Grade School Families,

Well, it's a wrap! As summer begins, I would like to express how grateful I am to be leading an amazing community of students, parents, faculty and staff. It has been an incredible year! I am so proud of all the achievements and accomplishments of our students here at Nazareth Academy Grade School. These accomplishments would not be possible without your support, dedication, and our awe-inspiring teachers who guide our students. 

In looking back on this past school year, we have had so many great memories and exciting events. We had our high school night, Christmas concert, open houses, Reading Olympics, Science Fair, 7th and 8th grade presentations, our Play, and I can go on and on. Our 8th grade has graduated and moved on in the educational careers. I am proud of them and I know they will go on to do great and wonderful things making NAGS proud.  Thank you, seventh grade parents, especially Mrs. Theodorou and Mrs. Domski who went over and above to create a memorable Graduation Dance. 

We are always focused on the improvement in our school in all aspects. We not only focus on a child's academic performance, but on the whole child. This year we emphasized social emotional learning and the importance of "kindness." Our Terra Nova scores were fantastic.

A special thank you to our teachers who are our family. An honor to our parents, who have contributed in ways small, large and unimaginable. Thank you for the partnership between home and school, to our Board of Trustees, who only want the best for us. We truly appreciate all that you do each and every day for our school and our children.

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Student Council-elect. President: Olivia Bygott, Vice President: Riley Gallagher, Secretary: Penny Theodorou, and Treasurer: John Morgridge.

I will be in the office this summer from 8:30 - 12:30 if you need me, or, please email me. Have a safe and fun-filled summer. Don't forget to thank our Lord for his wonderful gifts. Thank you to our teachers who worked so hard. See you in September!

In Jesus' Sacred Heart,
Sister Linda Joseph, CSFN

Sister Linda Joseph ChiChi,  CSFN
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